Use "hydrotherapy|hydrotherapies" in a sentence

1. Other services: medicine, health, beauty / Reducing treatment and physiotherapy / Aerobics and fitness, hydrotherapy, SPA ...

Services de réparation, de montage, de réglage / Travaux de soudage, travaux de peinturage / Services industrielles ...

2. Enjoy refreshing and rejuvenating body treatments in the hands of professional staff. Treatments include aqua gym, hydrotherapy, balneo, jet showers, affusion, peeling, skin care, cellulite and local slimming.

Des professionnels proposent des soins du corps vivifiants : aquagym, hydrothérapie, balnéothérapie, douche à jets, affusion, exfoliation, soin de la peu, traitement de la cellulite et amincissement local.